5 Interesting Time Management Tips For Marketers

Time Management Tips For Marketers
It is much possible that you are wearing all hats, CEO, CMO, COO, etc. if you are a small business. You have a lot of things to do, but unfortunately you cannot finish every one. So, at last, which tasks are left undone?

Time Management Tips For Marketers

The marketing task could be one according to our survey. With so many tasks, you have little time in writing new marketing projects, updating the blog, sharing blog to social media, etc. But, your website and business cannot stand out without marketing.
You are in a dilemma. The good news is that we can help you heavily cut your marketing time and meanwhile get your business visible to new customers via the following five tips.

1. Make A Plan

We know that at the very beginning you would feel so busy and hard to squeeze in marketing tasks since you have already had so many issues to deal with. Regarding that, our first tip to minimize your marketing time and reach marketing goal is to make a plan ahead.
You can list out the most important marketing tasks and do them firstly. The important marketing tasks vary from different businesses. You can make a decision by complying with a rule: more return you get for your time investment, more important a task is.

2. Single Task Instead Of Multi-Tasks

We know that some people prefer doing multiple tasks at once, and they do well. However, many studies and tests show that the most of the people would improve productivity if they focus on a single task. The same goes to marketing. Instead of dealing with multi-tasks, we recommend you to batch similar tasks, finish them at one time, and then handle next task.
In below, we take blogging as an example, a key part of marketing. NOTE if you do not get a blog, create one and check out which web hosting people go for at HostUCan.
You can set apart 2 hours to come up with post titles and topics. According to the titles and topics, you can make them into drafts. Then edit all drafts at once and schedule them. By doing so, you can save much time on writing blog posts.

3. Utilize Tools

With technology advancing, we have a number of tools to save marketing time. Click here to get more.
Tools for making a plan ahead: Social Media Editorial Calendar Template, WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugin, Editorial Calendar Essentials from the Content Marketing Institute, etc.
Tools for tracking time used on social media: RescueTime and Simple Time Track for Chrome;
Tools for generating blog post titles or topics: HubSpot Blog Topic Generator, Hemingway Sharethrough, etc.
Tools for automating marketing tasks: Aweber email marketing service, YesWare, Trello, Asana, Raven Tools, Social Oomph, etc.

4. Repurpose Content

Updating blog content is essential for online marketing. You can make a plan ahead, writing a month of posts at once and even use tools to save time in content creation. If all these tips do not work for you, and you cannot spare more time for content creation, you can repurpose content.
Simply put, you write one post and use it for blog content, your Twitter, Facebook, podcast, etc. For example, you can write a case study firstly. Then post it as your blog post. Meanwhile, you can use some powerful sentences in the case study as the content of your social media, like Facebook.
You need not worry that it would annoy your readers and customers because they do not follow you on every platform. Some prefer reaching you via blog platform; some would like to follow you on Facebook, etc. So, instead of annoying your readers, the same content on your different platforms will get more attention from your readers and save your marketing time.

5. Now Outsource

After taking above tips, do you still have little time spared for marketing? If yes, you can consider outsourcing some marketing tasks. But do it correctly. Or else you will spend more time. Here are some suggestions when you consider which task to be outsourced:
Whether it is repetitive;
Whether it costs much time and cannot automate;
Whether it is a task that you do not have corresponding skills;
Whether it is a task that you don’t like;
If you have a Yes with any question, you can outsource to a third party or person to save your time and make bigger productivity.


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